Implementation Articles

Save your files to the cloud more easily

To protect against device loss or damage and to provide anywhere access to files, we recommend storing them in Office 365. Last June we announced Known Folder Move (KFM) in OneDrive for customers on Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows 10. Known Folder Move provides an easy way...

Multi-Geo India satellite geo available in December 2018

We're thrilled to announce that all customers using Multi-Geo Capabilities in Office 365 will soon be able choose India as a satellite geo-location to store their users' Exchange Online Mailboxes and OneDrive for Business files at-rest, and address their...

Office Online Server November 2018 Update

The Office Online team is pleased to release our latest update to Office Online Server (OOS). OOS empowers organizations to view, edit, and create documents in the browser with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote from their own datacenter.     Please...

Get started at with tools for improved productivity in Office 365

Modern workers are always looking for ways to be more productive, but in today’s always connected world filled with infinite distractions, it is hard to stay focused, find what you are looking for and determine where to get started doing your most important...