April 10, 2024

Am really keen on exposing PowerApps / Flow news - this was provided from Microsoft Flow. You can read out the full post available on this link:



The enterprise journey toward operational excellence is ongoing, and the adoption of hyperautomation has become a pivotal milestone. Microsoft Power Platform stands at the forefront of this movement, offering a suite of tools that transform the way businesses approach digital transformation at scale – and Microsoft Power Automate is a key accelerator.

Imagine a world where every repetitive task, every mundane process, and every time-consuming operation is transformed into a symphony of automated actions, working in perfect harmony to deliver results at lightning speed. This isn’t just a fantasy; it’s a reality that Power Automate can bring, and it’s revolutionizing the way enterprises operate on a global scale.

Below you will learn about a comprehensive scenario with a Center of Excellence (CoE) team, using many of the capabilities in Power Automate, such as Microsoft Copilot, process mining, digital and robotic process automation (RPA), AI models, and more across Power Platform.

Watch the following overview video or continue reading for more details!



Optimizing with precision

Take, for example, a large insurance company bogged down by the weight of its claims process. With the magic of Copilot and process mining in Power Automate, data is ingested from Microsoft Azure Data Lake. The data is analyzed, insights are provided, bottlenecks are identified, and recommendations from Copilot to create an app or automation moves you to action.

Watch the video below to go deeper or continue reading!



Leveraging the power of AI

But why stop there? Power Automate doesn’t just automate; it hyperautomates. It takes the data from process mining and help crafts a late payment prediction AI model that can foresee issues before they arise. This predictive prowess is akin to having foresight, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation that can save time and money.

Watch the video below to go deeper or continue reading!



The approval symphony

And let’s not forget the settlement approval process, often a maze of documentation, is now simplified with task mining. Power Automate, with its task mining capabilities, records each step and transforms them into a process map that’s as clear as day. It then guides the creation of an automation that uses AI, RPA, and API-based automation together to connect data to SAP.

Watch the video below to go deeper or continue reading!



Deploying solutions at scale

Now we move from proof of concept (POC) to enterprise-wide deployment, where IT is empowered with robust Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) that extends across Power Platform. With custom dashboards, automation, apps, and more you can visually track and act on the transformative impact of hyperautomation.

Watch the video below to go deeper or continue reading!



Embrace the future of productivity

Hyperautomation with Power Automate is not just about adopting new technology; it’s about embracing a future where efficiency and productivity are paramount. Let’s embark on this journey together, leveraging the power of hyperautomation to achieve a new standard of excellence.

The post Hyperautomation: Unleashing enterprise efficiency with Microsoft Power Automate appeared first on Microsoft Power Platform Blog.

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