Random Muslings Articles

Don’t miss MVP led TechDays Online!

On the 20th, 21st and 22nd February for the first Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) led TechDays Online of 2017. On day one, MVPs and community leaders will delve into the World of Mobile Development, BOTs and Data Science followed by day two, where MVPs from...

Embarking on Third Party Tool Articles – oh Gosh…

Hi Folks, As promised in last weeks' article, a quick warn that I will be drawing attention to a number of third party products which I have used with SharePoint in particular articles going forward. Before embarking on what can only be described as a wonderful...

Road Map Perspectives for SharePoint Service Delivery

Lets take a look at developing Road Maps for SharePoint. Now, before you start yawning and thinking 'Like I need to know about Road Maps?' – Well, let me tell you that whenever you deliver solutions in SharePoint you should at the very least be thinking of how not...

Microsoft produces a Governance Guide for SharePoint 2013

On the good ole trek through TechNet, I noticed that Microsoft have published a set of Governance Guides for SharePoint 2013 - yaaaaaay! Taking a look through the pack, I noticed some great nuggets of information, which backs up the Governance topic I've pushed in...
Excel Web App Video from Microsoft

Excel Web App Video from Microsoft

One of the most difficult areas to engage users with in the adoption of SharePoint is sometimes wrongly perceieved to be the easiest because the assumption is the user must already be using the product. And when needing to get users productive with their client and...

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